Saturday, November 6, 2010

Words, words, words

Apologies for the months in between posts. Grad school does not allow for extra time for blogging.

Since brevity is the soul of wit, as well as a present necessity, I will be brief.

I've always been a logophile. I love words, which is probably why I enjoy Shakespeare's works as much as I do. As Shakespeareans like to point out, Shakespeare invented over 1500 words and phrases, many of which were adopted into common usage.

Wordsmithing is not a dead art, by all means. Science fiction is a treasure trove of new words, especially invented curse words. During my brief moments of relaxation, I have been watching sci-fi tv shows, and sometime, I have started compiling a list of alternate curse words of which I will provide a few examples (spelling questionable)

Smeg (from Red Dwarf)
Frak, Felgerkarb, Golmonging (from Battlestar Gallactica 1978)
Frell, Frellnick, Dren, Eema (from Farscape)
Doxy (from Firefly)

Some of these I've actually incorporated into my everyday vocabulary, and I am thoroughly amused by my pre-teen son's avid use of "smeg." This list is not anywhere near extensive; "hezmana," this is just a few off the top of my head.

Are there others you all know and love? If so, let me know.